7 research outputs found

    Fernsehsport und Integration

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    Österreich, Deutschland und die Schweiz sind in der zweiten HĂ€lfte des 20. Jahrhunderts de facto zu Einwanderungsgesellschaften geworden. In Österreich haben 17 Prozent der Bevölkerung eine Zuwandererbiographie, in Deutschland sind es 20 Prozent und in der Schweiz hat jeder dritte Einwohner auslĂ€ndische Wurzeln. Die soziale Integration der Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund ist seit den 1990er Jahren ein anhaltendes Thema im öffentlichen Diskurs. In den Sozialwissenschaften bildet die Integrationsthematik seither einen Forschungsschwerpunkt. In der Kommunikationswissenschaft liegt das Interesse auf der Rolle der Medien im Integrationsprozess. Die Frage nach den Auswirkungen der Mediennutzung auf die soziale Integration von Migranten bildet auch den Ausgangspunkt der Dissertation „Fernsehsport und Integration“. In der Arbeit wird detailliert der kommunikationswissenschaftliche Forschungsstand zum Feld „Migranten-Medien-Integration“ aufgearbeitet. BerĂŒcksichtigt werden theoretische Betrachtungen und empirische Studien zum speziellen Medienangebot fĂŒr Migranten (Ethnomedien), zu ihrem Mediennutzungsverhalten und zu allfĂ€lligen Wirkungen der Mediennutzung. Als theoretische Grundlage dienen die soziologischen Modelle zur Integration ethnisch-kulturell-pluralistischer Gesellschaften: Assimilation, Segregation und interkulturelle Integration. Eine integrierende Wirkung wird vorwiegend den deutschsprachigen Mehrheitsmedien zugeschrieben. Muttersprachigen Ethnomedien wird dagegen eine wichtige Funktion fĂŒr die Bildung der kulturellen IdentitĂ€t attestiert. Im empirischen Teil der Dissertation sind die allgemeine Fernsehnutzung von Migranten und speziell die Nutzung von Fernsehsport vor und wĂ€hrend der Fußball-Europameisterschaft 2008 Untersuchungsgegenstand. Datengrundlage ist ein Sample (n=160), das im Zuge einer Zwei-Wellen-Befragung von ex jugoslawischen und tĂŒrkischen Migranten im Bezirk St. Pölten generiert wurde. Bisherige empirische Befunde hinsichtlich der Mediennutzung von Migranten werden durch die Regionalstudie bestĂ€tigt: Fernsehen ist das dominierende Medium und deutsch- und muttersprachige Angebote werden von einer großen Mehrheit der Migranten dualistisch genutzt. Die Fragen zur Fernsehsportnutzung ergaben unter anderem, dass die deutschsprachigen Sender (ORF, ARD und ZDF) von der Fußball-EM profitiert haben und ihr Marktanteil im Vergleich zur Zeit vor dieser Großveranstaltung (Nullmessung) zugenommen hat.In the second half of the 20th century, Austria, Germany and Switzerland have as a matter of fact developed into immigration societies. In Austria, 17 percent of the population have an immigration biography, in Germany 20 percent and in Switzerland, every third person has foreign roots. The social integration of people with a migration background has been an ongoing topic in public discourse since the 1990s. In the social sciences, the topic of integration has since become a main field of research. Regarding communication science, the focus lies on the role of the media in the integration process. The question of the effects of media use on the social integration of migrants is also the starting point of the dissertation “Television Sports and Integration”. In this dissertation, the current status of research in communication science concerning the research field “Migrants-Media-Integration” is explored in great detail. Here, theoretical observations and empirical surveys concerning the special media offer for migrants (ethno media), their behaviour regarding media use and possible effects of media use are considered. The sociological models on integration of ethnic-cultural-pluralistic societies Assimilation, Segregation and intercultural Integration serve as the theoretical basis. Especially the German majority media are said to have an integrating effect. Mother-tongue ethno media, on the other hand, are considered to have an important function for the forming of a cultural identity. In the empirical part of the dissertation, the migrantsÂŽ general television use and especially the use of television sports before and during the European Football Championship 2008, are object of research. The data basis is a sample (n=160) that was generated in the course of a Two Wave Survey amongst former Yugoslavian and Turkish migrants in the district of St. Pölten. Previous empirical findings concerning the media use of migrants are confirmed by this regional survey: Television is the dominant medium and the large majority of migrants makes complementary use of German and mother-tongue offers. The questions regarding the use of television sports showed that the German stations (ORF, ARD and ZDF) profited from the European Football Championship and, compared to the initial situation (baseline measurement), gained market shares

    A missense mutation in TUBD1 is associated with high juvenile mortality in Braunvieh and Fleckvieh cattle

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    Background Haplotypes with reduced or missing homozygosity may harbor deleterious alleles that compromise juvenile survival. A scan for homozygous haplotype deficiency revealed a short segment on bovine chromosome 19 (Braunvieh haplotype 2, BH2) that was associated with high juvenile mortality in Braunvieh cattle. However, the molecular genetic underpinnings and the pathophysiology of BH2 remain to be elucidated. Results The frequency of BH2 was 6.5 % in 8,446 Braunvieh animals from the national bovine genome databases. Both perinatal and juvenile mortality of BH2 homozygous calves were higher than the average in Braunvieh cattle resulting in a depletion of BH2 homozygous adult animals (P = 9.3x10−12). The analysis of whole-genome sequence data from 54 Braunvieh animals uncovered a missense mutation in TUBD1 (rs383232842, p.H210R) that was compatible with recessive inheritance of BH2. The availability of sequence data of 236 animals from diverse bovine populations revealed that the missense mutation also segregated at a low frequency (1.7 %) in the Fleckvieh breed. A validation study in 37,314 Fleckvieh animals confirmed high juvenile mortality of homozygous calves (P = 2.2x10−15). Our findings show that the putative disease allele is located on an ancestral haplotype that segregates in Braunvieh and Fleckvieh cattle. To unravel the pathophysiology of BH2, six homozygous animals were examined at the animal clinic. Clinical and pathological findings revealed that homozygous calves suffered from chronic airway disease possibly resulting from defective cilia in the respiratory tract. Conclusions A missense mutation in TUBD1 is associated with high perinatal and juvenile mortality in Braunvieh and Fleckvieh cattle. The mutation is located on a common haplotype likely originating from an ancient ancestor of Braunvieh and Fleckvieh cattle. Our findings demonstrate for the first time that deleterious alleles may segregate across closed cattle breeds without recent admixture. Homozygous calves suffer from chronic airway disease resulting in poor growth performance and high juvenile mortality. The respiratory manifestations resemble key features of diseases resulting from impaired function of airway cilia

    Investigation of potential causes for the development of porcine ear necrosis: different study designs--comparable results?

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    During the last years two studies for the investigation of the etiology of porcine ear necrosis were carried out at the Clinic for Swine of the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna. In study 1, parameters, which are discussed in this context, were collected by veterinary practitioners by completing specially designed questionnaires in farms with symptoms of the porcine ear necrosis syndrome. In study 2, samples of piglets and feed were collected for laboratory analysis of the most important infectious agents as well as mycotoxins. In the present manuscript, the results of both projects were compared. Even if the selection criteria of both studies differed, the affected age class was comparable (5.5 to ten weeks of life in study 1 and six to ten weeks of life in study 2). The herd-specific prevalence of the porcine ear necrosis syndrome varied considerably with percentages between 2 and 10, respectively, to 100%. The evaluation of questionnaires in study 1 showed that 51% of the farms had problems with cannibalism. Particles of plant material, which were frequently seen on the histologic slides of study 2, could have got into the tissue by chewing the ears of the pen mates or cannibalism. Whereas in study 1 the negative effect of parameters as high pig density, suboptimal climate, missing enrichment material and bad quality of feed and water were considered, in study 2 all these factors were checked at sample collection and ruled out as precursor for cannibalism. In both studies bacterial agents proved to be a crucial co-factor for the expansion of the necroses to deeper tissue layers, whereas viral pathogens were classified less important. In both projects it was not possible to estimate the direct impact of infectious agents and mycotoxins as direct trigger of the necroses as well as their participation as co-factors or precursor in the sense of an immunosuppression or previous damage of blood vessels or tissue

    C-Glycosylflavones as an accumulation tendency: A critical review

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